Reflection Post

I began this class in the end of August with my first blog post. Now we have October, and I have already written about five different topics related to my Economic in Organization class. The first blog post was about my alias Claudia Goldin, who is one of ten most influential female economists in the world and a professor at Harvard University. The second post was about my experience with organizations in a change process. I wrote about my previous employer “Bank Austria” in Vienna and about their process of building a new headquarters, especially about the change process. The next blog post was about the effect of team leader’s behavior in organizations. I wrote about my employer in an insurance company before I went to my exchange semester. In this blog post I wrote about my team leader and the problems in our department. The next topic was quite similar to the blog post before. I wrote about the team structure in my first job. The biggest difference between these two blog posts were that I described a lot of problems in my experience working in an insurance company compared to the blog post about the team structure, where this worked quite well. My last post was about “Illinibucks”. We should imagine there is money we can use at the university for moving to the head of the line. I wrote about my experience about a few situations in which I would spend the “Illinibucks“ as well as the pros and cons of this currency.

The connections between these posts are their writings about business topics and their personal and relatable relationship to my experience. Especially I see a connection between the blog post about “Bank Austria”, the post about my team leader and the post about the structure in my first job. These are all blog posts about economics in organizations. It would be possible to take all three blog posts from one company but I chose purposely three different companies because I liked to share the experience from a different point of view and get more information about my life. In the blog post about the “Illinibucks”, we could write about our experience at the UIUC. It is a bit different because we didn’t talk about organizations. It is to mention that the connection between all these blog posts are reflections of our previous business life but the “Illinibucks” post is about the university.

I liked the themes of the blog posts of the beginning because you can interpret them in a lot of ways. Now I see the connection between the blog posts and that it is a summary of my previous working life.

I found my method now for writing a blog post. I wait until I have a creative moment and write the whole blog post without stopping. The next day I read through it again and improve some things on the blog post and work on the structure.

Moreover, English is not my mother language, and I see a progress in writing. Now it is much easier to write a blog post in English, and I am also faster with writing the blog posts because it is easier for me to find the vocabulary. Furthermore, I like to reflect my previous working experience and I can see that I learned a lot of things there, which was not totally clear during the time I worked there. For me, it is a good opportunity to write these blog posts to improve my English writing and reflecting on myself at the same time.

I would like to have more topics about my experience in working, like, for example, with working in teams. An idea is also to write about the difference between working in teams at the university and working in teams in business life. Moreover, I could write about the previous experience at the university, what we learn for our future life, for example when we think about group works.

I think students learn when they reflect themselves and these topics I mentioned could also fit in this class. This was a short summary of my previous blog posts, to understand the connections between them easier and to reflect them.


  1. Regarding your comment about writing in English, you might react here with why you are doing study abroad. Are you planning to work in the U.S. sometime after you graduate or is there some other reason? I agree that writing in a different language is harder. I wonder how your thinking works that way. Do you think about things in English or not?

    I would quibble with a little of what you say. The Illinibucks post was about a specific organization - the University of Illinois. It seems many students experience not being able to get into the courses they want, for example. I never experienced that as a student. I could always get into any course I wanted to take. So there is an issue - why does that rationing take place? The point is that questions of this sort provide demonstrations that there are puzzles that need solving. Part of the purpose of the blogging is to uncover some of these puzzles and let you take a stab at resolving them.

    You were the only student so far who wrote away from the prompt, which you are free to do. If you don't like the prompt in some week, I encourage you to write on your own preferred topic. It will make you feel less constrained by the course and get you to see it as an opportunity for you to explore.

  2. No I don’t want to work in the US after my bachelor, but it is perfect to speak English all day. It is also good when you apply for a job and you have already experience with living abroad.

    After two months here I think already in English but when I arrived I thought in German. The change happened very quickly.

    Yes, a lot of students have problems with course registration. For me it would be explained that most of the registration is now online and that is not always easier for students. The online system seems very complex and when students have an issue they have to write an email and have to wait for response. Sometimes face to face meetings would be much easier.


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